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Popits and Poppers are the trendy new fidget toy. Guide kids to use their poppers to grow closer to God. Give each child a popper and one of these handouts. Great for use in kids' worship bags, send home to families, attach to a school backpack, or in a Sunday School lesson.


In this instant digital download you'll get 2 "Prayer Popper" handouts that instruct kids in how to pray using a popper. These 2 handouts say the same thing but are arranged differently on the page and in different colors. You'll also get "Rainbow Prayer Popper" handout for praying a rainbow prayer that goes along with Noah and God's promise. This download also includes "Backpack Prayer Popper" handout for sending a keychain popper with kids to school and how to use their popper to pray when they are worried or stressed at school. And lastly, you'll download a Genesis 1 Creation themed "Prayer Popper" handout that teaches kids how to pray for all of creation using their popper. 


There are no watermarks on your download. The pdf is not editable.


4 Pack of square 6X6 poppers

Rainbow Shaped Popper

4 Pack of keychain poppers


Watch these games using Poppers.


This download includes:

  • 5 color pdfs (8.5 X 11)


This product is a digital download, which means you will recieve a link to download the zip file after completing the check-out process. Once your money is recieved by paypal, my website immediately emails you the digital download. If you don't see the download, please check your junk or spam folder.

Prayer Popper Printable Handouts

  • Please wait to open your files until you are sure they have completely downloaded onto your computer. If you are getting a message saying "files are corrupted," this may indicate that you opened the files before they have downloaded completely. Please redownload the file from the orginal email. 

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