Nativity Blocks: A New Way to Tell the Birth of Christ

For an Advent workshop this year, we put together Nativity blocks with the kids at our church. For an hour and a half, Kindergarteners through 5th Graders gathered to read Twas the Evening of Christmas by Glenys Nellist and put together Nativity Blocks. Each child assembled their own. My son, Ethan, brought his home and I posted a picture on social media of his work and some of the others created that night. I received response back that others were interested in making these for their own families and churches. I looked for a comprehensive template and could find none. We aren't even sure who created the original pattern for the felt because we just found the blocks and felt pieces in boxes hidden in a room at our church. True story.

My husband and I began talking about how we could create a comprehensive template so that other families in other churches could enjoy Nativity Blocks. Over Thanksgiving break, Ricky and I worked furiously to take pictures, record a video tutorial, and create the template document based on our son's Nativity Blocks. We added and changed a couple details to the original design that we felt worked a bit better. My husband did a fabulous job creating the template document. We make a great team!

Here is one of the pictures from the document and one of the templates included:

Click here to purchase the full template for only $5.00 in an instant download.

Click here to watch the video tutorial.

From our family to yours, I hope these Nativity Blocks bless your family as they already have blessed ours.

Here is how we decorated our mantel this year!

#advent #kidmin #kidscrafts #nativity #diy