How to Choose a Christian Devotional as a Busy Mom of Two

How to choose a Christian devotional as a busy mom of two is both incredibly difficult and important to daily sanity.

There are so many devotional books for moms, where do you even begin to pick one? I decided to take my search to Amazon, after all, Amazon has everything else I need. Seriously, I purchase almost everything on Amazon now from their Mama Bear diapers to my newest drink obsession, Hint Water. They seem to have the price I'm looking for and, with Prime shipping, two day delivery. It is so hard to shop with two kids!

I have a few criteria I am looking for in a devotional book.

1. Must be no longer than 10 minute per day and 5 minutes is even better. I don't have time to do a long devotional but I know the importance of starting my day off in God's word.

2. Must be written for moms. In this season of my life with a 10 year old and a 10 month old, I want to read how God's word applies to my life. I want to read not only how God can improved my life but how I can get to know God better through this chaotic, diaper, crying, sleep deprived, joyful season.

3. Written in the last 10 years. It can be brand new or a tried-and-true just as long as it meets the above two criteria.

4. Have a good sense of humor. I definitely don't want to read anything dry. If I wanted dry reading material, I'd just read all of Leviticus. No thank you!

So, I typed "Christian devotional for busy moms" into the Amazon search bar and here are the top three results it gave me. Yes, I made a video about it. You can watch it here.



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