The more important question is, does it matter if our children have a prayer life? I believe so. I believe it is extremely important that we model and teach our children to pray so that they have a healthy prayer life. But what does a HEALTHY prayer life look like? I believe that it looks different for each family but has a common thread - REGULAR CONVERSATION WITH GOD.

How old should a child be before they can have a prayer life? A child's prayer life begins in the womb but if you've missed that stage of life, NOW is the best age for your child to have an open, communicative relationship with God.

Here are three tips (in only 2 minutes) for how to pray WITH your child:

Here are three tips (also in only 2 minutes) for how to pray FOR your child:

Here are three tips (again in only 2 minutes) for how to TEACH your child to pray:

If you want to jump straight into finding creative ways to pray with your child, because bowing head and closing eyes is boring or simply not enough, check out this link with videos on unique, tactile ways to pray that are sure to get your child on board with God.

Creative Prayer Playlist:

Would love to hear your tips for teaching a child to pray or how you've been praying with your child. Please leave those in a comment below!

As always, peace,


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