Disney Toy Story Inspired Games for Kids

In anticipation of the newest Disney Pixar Toy Story movie and with inspiration from the previous movies, here are 6 games for kids! If you want to see each of these games played, click the link at the end of this block post.

Woody’s lucky horse shoes

Shape chenille stems into a horse shoe shape about 3 per player. Set out toy construction cones. Players will try to toss their horse shoes to hook onto the plastic cones.

The Claw Relay Race

You’ll need 1 spaghetti spoon strainer per player. How many ping pong balls can u pick up and put in your team’s bowl in 1 minute?

Buzz Lightyears Rocket Launch

Draw a chalk target on your concrete space outside. Players take turns throwing blunt ended lawn darts onto the chalk target.

Slinky Race

If you have stairs in your house, race slinkies down. Slinky that reaches the bottom of the stairs is the winner. Watch the video at the end of this blog post to see how to create stairs out of board games if you don’t have stairs in your home.

Mr Potato Head Race

How fast can you put your Mr Potato Head together? We loved using this version of Mr Potato Head and this version of Mrs Potato Head.

Alphabet Toss Target

Create a square target on floor using blue painters tape. Using plastic alphabet blocks like these, players take turns rolling a block. The player with most blocks inside the target wins the game.

Watch these games played: